ISO TR 7262-2022 pdf free download – Natural gas — Coalbed methane quality designation and the applicability of ISO/TC 193 current standards

02-08-2022 comment

ISO TR 7262-2022 pdf free download – Natural gas — Coalbed methane quality designation and the applicability of ISO/TC 193 current standards.
a) Methane ISO 6974-4, ISO 6974-5, ISO 6974-6, and ISO 23978 are suitable for the determination of methane in the range of 75 % to 100 %, 34 % to 100 %, 40 % to 100 %, and 50 % to 100 %, respectively. Generally, the methane content in CBM is basically above 80 %, also above 50 % in some CBM with high nitrogen or oxygen content. There is no case in which methane content in CBM is lower than 34 %. Therefore, ISO 6974-4, ISO 6974-5, ISO 6974-6 and ISO 23978 are able to meet and applicable to the determination of methane content in CBM. ISO 6974-1, ISO 6974-2, and ISO 6974-3 are also applicable to the determination of methane content in CBM. b) Ethane ISO 6974-4, ISO 6974-5, ISO 6974-6 and ISO 23978 are suitable for the determination of ethane in the range of 0,001 % to 10 %, 0,1 % to 23 %, 0,002 % to 15 %, and 0,02 % to 20 %, respectively. Generally, the ethane content in CBM is basically lower than 5 %, and in a few exceptions, not higher than 23 %. Therefore, ISO 6974-4, ISO 6974-5, ISO 6974-6 and ISO 23978 are able to meet and applicable to the determination of ethane content in CBM. ISO 6974-1, ISO 6974-2 and ISO 6974-3 are also applicable to the determination of ethane content in CBM. c) Propane ISO 6974-4, ISO 6974-5, ISO 6974-6 and ISO 23978 are suitable for the determination of propane in the range of 0,001 % to 3 %, 0,05 % to 10 %, 0,001 % to 5 % and 0,02 % to 10 %, respectively. Generally, the propane content in CBM is basically lower than 1 %, and in a few exceptions, not higher than 10 %. Therefore, ISO 6974-4, ISO 6974-5, ISO 6974-6 and ISO 23978 are able to meet and applicable to the determination of propane content in CBM. ISO 6974-1, ISO 6974-2 and ISO 6974-3 are also applicable to the determination of propane content in CBM. d) Butanes ISO 6974-4, ISO 6974-5 and ISO 6974-6 are suitable for the determination of butanes in the range of 0,001 % to 1 %, 0,01 % to 2 % and 0,000 1 % to 1 % respectively. Generally, the butanes content in CBM is basically lower than 1 %, usually not higher than 2 %. Therefore, ISO 6974-4, ISO 6974-5, and ISO 6974-6 are able to meet and applicable to the determination of butanes content in CBM. ISO 6974-1, ISO 6974-2, and ISO 6974-3 are also applicable to the determination of butanes content in CBM. e) Pentanes ISO 6974-4, ISO 6974-5, and ISO 6974-6 are suitable for the determination of pentanes in the ranges of 0,001 % to 0,5 %, 0,005 % to 0.35 %, and 0,000 1 % to 0,5 %, respectively. Generally, CBM does not contain pentanes. Pentanes are contained in some CBM but the content is basically below 0,5 %. Therefore, ISO 6974-4, ISO 6974-5 and ISO 6974-6 are able to meet and applicable to the determination of pentanes content in CBM. ISO 6974-1, ISO 6974-2, and ISO 6974-3 are also applicable to the determination of pentanes content in CBM. f) Nitrogen ISO 6974-4, ISO 6974-5, ISO 6974-6 and ISO 23978 are suitable for the determination of nitrogen in the ranges of 0,001 % to 15 %, 0,1 % to 22 %, 0,007 % to 40 %, and 0,02 % to 10 %, respectively. Nitrogen content in CBM varies greatly. It’s common from less than 0,1 % to 40 %. In some CBM, the nitrogen content is as high as 50 % or so. Therefore, ISO 6974-4, ISO 6974-5, ISO 6974-6 and ISO 23978 are basically able to meet and applicable to the determination of nitrogen content in CBM in most cases. ISO 6974-1, ISO 6974-2, and ISO 6974-3 are also applicable to the determination of nitrogen content in CBM. However, when the nitrogen content in CBM is above 40 %, its concentration exceeds the upper detection limit of ISO 6974. In this case, the applicability of ISO 6974 (all parts) to CBM detection needs to be tested and verified. g) Carbon dioxide ISO 6974-4, ISO 6974-5, ISO 6974-6 and ISO 23978 are suitable for the determination of carbon dioxide in the range of 0,001 % to 10 %, 0,05 % to 15 %, 0,001 % to 10 % and 0,02 % to 30 %, respectively. Carbon dioxide content in CBM also varies greatly. It’s common from less than 0,1 % to 15 %. In a few cases, the carbon dioxide content in CBM is higher than15 %. Therefore, ISO 6974-4, ISO 6974-5, ISO 6974-6 and ISO 23978 are basically able to meet and applicable to the determination of carbon dioxide content in CBM in most cases. ISO 6974-1, ISO 6974-2, and ISO 6974-3 are also applicable to the determination of carbon dioxide content in CBM. However, when the carbon dioxide content in CBM is above 15 %, its concentration exceeds the upper detection limit of ISO 6974. In this case, the applicability of ISO 6974 (all parts) to CBM detection needs to be tested and verified.
6.2.3 Minor components Table 3 presents the minority parts of coalbed methane.ISO TR 7262 pdf download.

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