ISO 8287-2021 pdf free download – Magnesium and magnesium alloys — Unalloyed magnesium — Chemical composition

02-09-2022 comment

ISO 8287-2021 pdf free download – Magnesium and magnesium alloys — Unalloyed magnesium — Chemical composition.
9Testing conditions
9.1 Inspection and acceptance
9.1.1 The product quality certificate should be filled in by the supplier.
9.1.2 The purchaser should retest the products received. If the results of the retest do not conform tothis document or the purchase order, the purchaser should inform the supplier within 3 months fromthe date the products were received, and a solution should be reached between the supplier and thepurchaser.
Pure magnesium should be submitted to testing in batches; each consignment should be from the sameissue of the melting furnace products.No limits exist on the weight of each single consignment.
10 Testing
Analysis to ensure conformity with the chemical composition requirements given in Table 1 shall becarried out on samples taken by the manufacturer and representative of the material delivered. Testmethod of analysis shall be subject to an agreement between the manufacturer and the purchaser.
11 Rounding of results
ln recording the results of the chemical analysis, the result obtained for any property specified in thisdocument shall be expressed to the same number of decimal places as the corresponding value in thisdocument. Rounding shall be carried out as specified in lSO 80000-1:2009, B.2 and B.3. in B.3, it is leftto the discretion of the manufacturer as to whether to use Rule A or B, unless the use of one of the ruleshas been agreed at the time of acceptance of the order.
12 Declaration of conformity and inspection documents
lf agreed between the manufacturer and the purchaser or when specified on the order, the manufacturershall provide a declaration of product conformity or an inspection document listing the results of theanalysis of the chemical elements given in Table 1, and of any other element which may have beenpreviously agreed upon.
13 Marking
Unless otherwise agreed, each product,or bundle of products, shall be clearly marked with thefollowing:
a) manufacturer’s identification, molten furnace number, and mark of test on each ingot;
b)each bundle should have a bright colour, waterproofing, a label that does not fall off easily and
on which is clearly marked the smelting number, bunch of numbers, net weight, number of ingots,designation, manufacturing date, place of origin, and manufacturer’s logo.
The method of marking is left to the discretion of the manufacturer.Markings shall be indelible andshall not be a source of contamination.
14 Packing
Unless otherwise agreed by the supplier and the purchaser, the pure magnesium ingot shoulda) be packed on a pure magnesium metal plate or a dry wooden plate,
b)be covered and wrapped by a whole plastic film, then enlaced by PVC belts,
contain pure magnesium ingots from a maximum of two smelting numbers in each bunch, andd) contain 1 000 kg ± 50kg or 500 kg ± 20 kg of pure magnesium ingots in each bunch.
15 Transportation
The pure magnesium ingots should use rainproof vehicles or vehicles equipped with rainproofapplications or clean containers for the transportation.Special care should be taken when loading andunloading during rain and when the ingots are dripping wet.
16 Storage
The pure magnesium ingots should be stored in a dry, clean, ventilated warehouse which contains nocorrosive medium.
17 Quality certificate
Each batch of products should have a quality certificate attached, indicating the following:a)supplier’s name;
b) designation;cbatch number;
dnet weight and ingot number;e)the analysis and test results;
f) the reference number of this document, i.e. ISO 8287.
18 Complaints
In the event of any product complaints, the manufacturer shall examine the validity of the complaintwithin a reasonable time.
Complaints may only be raised against defective products if the defect impairs their processing and useto a more than negligible extent. This shall apply unless otherwise agreed at the time of acceptance ofthe order.
The purchaser shall give the manufacturer the opportunity to judge whether the complaints arejustified.ISO 8287 pdf.

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