ISO 6452-2021 pdf free download – Rubber- or plastics-coated fabrics — Determination of fogging characteristics of trim materials in the interior of automobiles

02-09-2022 comment

ISO 6452-2021 pdf free download – Rubber- or plastics-coated fabrics — Determination of fogging characteristics of trim materials in the interior of automobiles.
This document specifies a test method which is intended to determine the fogging characteristics ofrubber- or plastics-coated fabrics that are used as trim materials in the interior of motor vehicles.
The method can also apply to fluid, pasty, powdered or solid raw materials which are the basis forsuch trim materials or from which the materials are manufactured.The method can also apply to othermaterials and finished products.
The procedure is applicable to the measurement of fog condensate on glass surfaces within the limits ofthe test conditions. This test cannot measure accurately those cases in which:
– the surface tension of the condensate is low, resulting in early coalescing into a thin transparent
the condensate is present in such a large quantity that the droplets coalesce and form a heavy oily/clear film (this heavy film gives false readings).
In such cases, the gravimetric method is preferred.
2Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their contentconstitutes requirements of this document. For dated references,only the edition cited applies.Forundated references, the latest edition of the referenced document(including any amendments) applies.ISO 2813,Paints and varnishes —Determination of gloss value at 20°; 60° and 85°
3Terms and definitions
No terms and definitions are listed in this document.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:- ISO online browsing platform: available at
—IEC Electropedia: available at
4 Principle
A test piece or portion is heated in a glass beaker.Any volatile constituents are condensed on either acooled glass plate or a disc of cooled aluminium foil.
6.4 Metal rings, external diameter 80 mm, internal diameter 74 mm, height 10 mm and mass (55 ± 1) g, made of corrosion-protected steel, to keep the test pieces flat.
6.5 Sealing rings, of silicone- or fluoro-rubber, L-shaped or circular in cross-section, inner diameter 90 mm to 95 mm, thickness 2 mm to 4 mm and hardness 50 IRHD to 70 IRHD.
6.6 Float glass plates, of residential or windshield window quality, for condensation of the fogging,thickness (3 ± 0,2) mm, either square with minimum dimensions of (110 ×110) mm or circular with adiameter of 103 mm. The gloss values of all the plates used shall be the same to within ± 2 % units. Thetin and non-tin surfaces of the plate shall be identified and the identification mark shall be placed on theplate.
NOTE The tin and non-tin surfaces of the glass plate can be identified by viewing the surface in a darkenedroom under a UV light at 254 nm wavelength.The tin surface fluoresces when it is exposed to the UV light.
6.7 Filter paper, with a diameter of 110 mm and a mass per unit surface area of 90 g/m2.
6.8Aluminium foil discs, thickness 0,03 mm, diameter (103 ± 1) mm. Store the prepared aluminiumfoil disc in a desiccator(6.15) to avoid condensation and contamination.
6.9Gloss meter, with a 60° incident beam and 60° measurement beam in accordance with ISo 2813.
6.10 Spacer, designed to prevent contact with the condensate on the glass plate during gloss metermeasurements,made of a suitable material such as paper or plastic with a circular hole for themeasurements. The thickness of the spacer shall be (0,1主0,02) mm (see Figure 2).ISO 6452 pdf download.

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