ISO 4727-2021 pdf free download – Essential oil of palmarosa [Cymbopogon martini (Roxb.) W. Watson var. motia]

02-09-2022 comment

ISO 4727-2021 pdf free download – Essential oil of palmarosa [Cymbopogon martini (Roxb.) W. Watson var. motia].
This document specifies certain characteristics of the essential oil of palmarosa [Cymbopogon martini(Roxb.) W. Watson var. motia], with a view to facilitating the assessment of its quality.
2Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their contentconstitutes requirements of this document.For dated references,only the edition cited applies.Forundated references, the latest edition of the referenced document(including any amendments) applies.
ISo/TS 210, Essential oils —General rules for packaging, conditioning and storage
ISO/TS 211,Essential oils —General rules for labelling and marking of containersISO 212,Essential oils — Sampling
ISO 279,Essential oils —Determination of relative density at 20 degrees C—Reference methodISO 280,Essential oils — Determination of refractive index
ISO 592, Essential oils —Determination of optical rotationISO 875,Essential oils — Evaluation of miscibility in ethanol
ISo 11024 (all parts),Essential oils —General guidance on chromatographic profiles
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
lSO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:-ISO online browsing platform: available at
—IEC Electropedia: available at
essential oil of palmarosa
essential oil obtained by steam distillation of the grass of [Cymbopogon martini(Roxb.) W.Watson var.motia] of the Poaceae family, collected in flowering stage
Note 1 to entry: For information on CAS number, see ISO/TR 21092.
4 Requirements
4.1General requirements
Essential oil of palmarosa [Cymbopogon martini (Roxb.) W. Watson var. motia] shall meet therequirements as given in Table 1.
4.2 Chromatographic profile Carry out the analysis of the essential oil by gas chromatography. Determine the chromatographic profile in accordance with the ISO 11024 series. Identify in the chromatogram obtained the representative and characteristic components shown in Table 2. The proportions of these components, indicated by the integrator, shall be as shown in Table 2. This constitutes the chromatographic profile of the essential oil.ISO 4727 pdf download.

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