ISO 16711-2021 pdf free download – Requirements for seismic assessment and retrofit of concrete structures

02-09-2022 comment

ISO 16711-2021 pdf free download – Requirements for seismic assessment and retrofit of concrete structures.
This document provides requirements for seismic assessment and retrofit of concrete can be used to reduce the risk of seismic damage by structural collapse or turnover during aseismic event.
This document provides the framework and principles of methods of detailed seismic assessment andthe judgment, seismic retrofit plan and design, seismic retrofit execution of existing reinforced concretestructures before the occurrence of a severe earthquake and of the structures struck by an is an umbrella-type document with general provisions intended to provide wide latitude of choice interms of comprehensive principle on the evaluation of the seismic damage/expected damage of existingreinforced concrete structures and repair/retrofit.Therefore, it is intended to be used in conjunctionwith sound engineering judgment.
This document is applicable to reinforced concrete structures and pre-stressed concrete structuresthat have been designed on the basis of the structural design criteria set in a specific country or is not applicable to unreinforced concrete and masonry structures.
2Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their contentconstitutes requirements of this document.For dated references, only the edition cited applies. Forundated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies,ISo 1920-4:2020,Testing of concrete — Part 4: Strength of hardened concrete
ISO 15630-1:2019,Steel for the reinforcement and prestressing of concrete —Test methods — Part 1:Reinforcing bars, rods and wire
3Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
lSO and lEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:-1So online browsing platform: available at
—IEC Electropedia: available at
set of activities performed in order to verify the reliability of an existing structure for future use[SOURCE: ISO 13822:2010,3.1]
design document
document resulting from structural calculation and design drawings
4 Framework of assessment and retrofit The seismic assessment and retrofit of an existing structure shall obey the following procedures after identifying the performance requirements and drafting an overall plan from investigation through detailed seismic assessment, construction and documentation. The schematic of the process is shown in Figure 1. Details of each item are described in Clause 5. All these items are not necessarily executed. The procedure should be initiated in order from
1) but it may be finished at any stage according to the specific situation under consideration. 1) Preliminary assessment: The possibility of a structure’s collapse or turnover under severe earthquakes shall be assessed based on the comprehensive information of the structure, such as design documents at the time of design, history of usage and the construction’s compliance with the design standard. The inspection of the seismic performance shall be carried out in consultation with the client (the owner, the authority, etc.), if the seismic performance is suspected or not clearly adequate.
2) Detailed seismic assessment: In order to clarify the seismic performance of an existing RC or PSC structure and the vulnerable part of the structure, detailed seismic assessment shall be conducted. Necessity of the seismic retrofit shall be determined by comparing the evaluated seismic performance and the seismic performance objectives. The planning of the seismic retrofit shall be carried out in consultation with the client (the owner, the authority, etc.), if the deficiency in seismic performance is confirmed.
3) Planning of seismic retrofit: The plan of the seismic retrofit including the outline of the retrofit and construction method shall be determined. The validity of the plan shall be verified by estimating the seismic performance of the structure after construction. Then, the seismic retrofit execution shall be carried out in consultation with the client (the owner, the authority, etc.), taking into consideration the estimated cost for construction work.
4) Seismic retrofit execution: The construction method for each structural member shall be determined in compliance with the seismic retrofit plan. The construction shall be then carried out under the proper supervision and the quality control of the work. The procedure of the work shall be documented in a report.ISO 16711 pdf download.

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