ISO 10303-2021 pdf free download – Industrial automation systems and integration — Product data representation and exchange — Part 1: Overview and fundamental principles.
The IRs in ISO 10303 are divided into two groups: generic resources and application resources. The generic resources are independent of applications and may reference other resources. The application resources may reference other resources and may add other resource constructs for use by a group of similar applications. The IRs may reference product data descriptions written using EXPRESS from other International Standards.
4.3.3 Support for applications The IRs define a generic information model for product information. They are not sufficient to support the information requirements of an application without the addition of application specific constraints, relationships, and attributes. ISO 10303 defines APs in which the IRs are interpreted to meet the product information requirements of specific applications. The interpretation is achieved by selecting appropriate resource constructs and refining their meaning, by specifying any appropriate constraints, relationships, and attributes. This interpretation results in an application interpreted model (AIM). The AIM is documented as part of an AP. ISO 10303 has two mechanisms to ensure consistent interpretation when a resource construct represents the same information requirement in different APs. One mechanism uses interpreted resource constructs appearing in more than one AP as a documented application interpreted construct (AIC). The other mechanism uses application modules (AMs) that document the harmonized requirements along with the interpreted resource constructs. NOTE Subclauses 6.4 and 6.5 discuss application interpreted constructs and application modules in more detail. The scope and information requirements of the application are specified using the terminology of the application domain. The AP provides a mapping to show how the interpretation of the IRs is used to meet the information requirements of the application domain. ISO 10303 provides business object models that present complex models in a form that may be more understandable to application experts.
4.3.4 Implementation methods Each implementation method included in ISO 10303 is specified by a mapping from the EXPRESS language onto the formal language used for the method. The mapping is independent of the AP. The mapping is expressed in a formal notation. At least three implementation methods for ISO 10303 have been identified (see 6.3.4).
4.3.5 Implementations An AP may specify one or more applicable implementation methods from the set of implementation methods in ISO 10303. An implementation shall apply one or more of the implementation methods specified in the AP to the AIM.
4.3.6 Conformance testing Conformance of an implementation to an AP is specified by the conformance requirements in the AP. A set of tests, specified in an abstract test suite (ATS), may be defined for each AP. When associated with an abstract test method (ATM), these tests can be used to assess the conformance of an implementation. The overall framework for conformance assessment is specified in ISO 10303-31. An ATM for each implementation method is specified in one of the conformance testing methodology and framework series of parts of ISO 10303.
The scope of conformance testing of a specific implementation is the requirements specified for the conformance classes claimed for the implementation in the protocol implementation conformance statement (PICS). The tests are selected from the ATS, based on the conformance class claimed by the implementation. Test results provide the basis for conformance assessment. ISO 10303 contains ATSs and defines ATMs for performing conformance testing to provide a basis for test results that are repeatable, comparable, and auditable. Inclusion of conformance testing procedures in ISO 10303 is intended to promote widespread acceptance of test results.ISO 10303 pdf download.
ISO 10303-2021 pdf free download – Industrial automation systems and integration — Product data representation and exchange — Part 1: Overview and fundamental principles
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