IEEE Std 802.15.4t-2017 pdf free download – IEEE Standard for Low-Rate Wireless Networks Amendment 4: Higher Rate (2 Mb/s) Physical (PHY) Layer.
8. MAC services
8.2 MAC management service
8.2.1 Primitives supported by the MLME -SAP interface
Ald the fllowing nen row to Table 8-1 (the entire table is HoI shown as indicated, in alphabetical order by name:
8.2.5 Communications notification primitives
Change the second paragraph of 8.2.5 as indicated:
The MLME-BEACONNOTIFY.indication primitive is used to notify the next higher layer when a beacon or enhanced beacon is received during normal operating conditions. The MLME-COMMSTATUS.indication primitive is used to notify the next higher layer that an error has occurred during the processing of a frame that was instigated by a response primitive. The MLME-PHY:
DETECT jindication primitive is used to notify the next higher layer _that the 250 kb/s O-QPSK PHY has been detected during operation of the 2000 kb/s. 2450 MHz MSK PHY.
Add the following new subclause 8. 2.5.4, including Table 8-14a, after as indicated: MLME-PHY-DETECT.indication
The MLME-PHY-DETECT.indication primitive is used to inform the next higher layer that the 250 kb/s O-QPSK PHY has been detected.
The semantics of this primitive are as follows: MLME-PHY-DETEC T.indication CurrentPHY ) The primitive parameter is defined in Table 8- 14a.
10. General PHY requirements
10.1 General requirements and definitions
10.1.2 Channel assignments Channel numbering for 868 MHz, 915 MHz, and 2450 MHz bands
Change the firs paragraph of 10.1.22 as indicuted:
This subclause does not apply to the SUN PHY, or LECIM PHY_ or MSK PHY specifications. For explanations of channel numbering for the SUN PHYs and LBCIM PHYs, see 10.12.8 and, respectively. For explanations of channel numbering for the MSK PHY, see 10.1.26 Channel numbering for MSK PHY 2450 MHz band
Change the first paragraph of 10.1.26 incuding breahing the paragraph into tvo separate paragraphs,as indicated:
The MSK PHY 2450 MHz band uses channel page 7 with the channel numbers defined in Table 10-8 and Table 10-8a. A total of 42 frequency channels numbered 15 to 56 on chanmel page 7 are available in theband from 2400 MHz to 2483.5 MHz for the 250 kb/s slata rat. A total of 16 frepuency chansls mumbered 57 to 72 on channel page I are available for the 2000 kb/s data rate. Diferent subsets of these frequency chanels ane available in dfferent regions of the world.
Compliant receivers saperating 250 kh/s shall implement all channels in Table 10-8, defaulting to channel 47 unless modified by higher layers. The multiple narrow channels for the narrowband MSK 2450 MHz PHY are specified in order to improve coexistence with other 2450 MHz services. Complant rceivers perating a the 2000 kb/s data rate shall implement all chanels in Tuble 10-8a with no de fut channelThe selection of specific channels is out of the scope of this standard; being performel by higher tayers.
Change the tmable title of Table 10-8 as indicated (the table is nor shown), and inser the new Table 10-8a afier Table 10-8:
Table 10-8-MSK 2450 MHz mandatory PHY channel frequencies for 250 kb/s data rate
18.1 PPDU formats
Change the first paragraph of 18.1 indicated, and insert the fllovwing Jigures (Figure 18-0a and Figure 18-06) after the first pargruph of 18.1;
The MSK PHY shall use the PPDU formats described in 12. l, except that the Preamble field is 32 symbols (4octets) and the bits in each octet shall be“10101010.” In addition. when implementing the 2000 kh/s data cate. the PHR field is fomatted cither as ilutrated in Figure 18-0a or Figure 18-0. dqpsnding on the value of the Extended PHR field defined in 18.1.2.
Insert the fllowving subclauses (18.1.1 181.3) afer Figure 18-0b:
18.1.1 Frame length LSB field
The frarme length LSB field specifies the seven least significant bits of the frume length. The frame length is defined as the total number of octets contained in the PSDU (i.e, PHY payload).
18.1.2 Extended PHR field
The Extended PHR field determines the presence of the frame length MSB field deseribed in 18.1.3. When the Extended PHR field is set to zero, the PHR shall be fomatted as shown in Figure 18-0a. When the Extended PHR field is set to one, the PHR shall be formatted as shown in Figure 18-0b. The value of the Extended PHR ficld shall be selected by the transmitting MAC in an implementation-dependent manner,consistent with the requirement that frames having a frame length greater than 127 octets shall have the Extended PHR field set to one.
This field also indicates the length of the FCS, a described in 72.10. Devices that implement the 2000 kb/s data rate shall be capable of supporing the rception of both FCS lengths.IEEE Std 802.15.4t pdf download.
IEEE Std 802.15.4t-2017 pdf free download – IEEE Standard for Low-Rate Wireless Networks Amendment 4: Higher Rate (2 Mb/s) Physical (PHY) Layer
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