IEEE 802.1Qbv-2015 pdf free download – IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks- – Bridges and Bridged Networks Amendment 25: Enhancements for Scheduled Traffic

02-23-2022 comment

IEEE 802.1Qbv-2015 pdf free download – IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks- – Bridges and Bridged Networks Amendment 25: Enhancements for Scheduled Traffic. AdminCycleTimeExtension An integer number of nanoseconds, defining the maximum amount of time by which the gating cycle for the Port (3.3) is permitted to be extended when a new cycle configuration is being installed. This administrative value can be changed by management, and is used by the List Config state machine ( to set the value of OperCycleTimeExtension ( AdminGateStates The initial state of the gate associated with each queue for the Port is set by the List Execute state machine (, and is determined by the value of the AdminGateStates variable. The default value of AdminGateStates is open for all queues. The value of AdminGateStates can be changed by management. AdminControlListLength This value can be changed by management, and is used by the List Config state machine ( to set the value of OperControlListLength ( ConfigChange A Boolean variable that acts as a start signal to the List Config state machine ( that the administrative variable values for the Port are ready to be copied into their corresponding operational variables. This variable is set TRUE by management and is set FALSE by the List Config state machine. ConfigPending A Boolean variable, set TRUE by the List Config state machine ( to signal that there is a new cycle configuration awaiting installation. The variable is set FALSE when the List Config state machine has installed the new configuration. The variable is used by the SetCycleStartTime() procedure ( to control the length of the cycle that immediately precedes the first cycle that uses the new configuration values. This value can be read by management, as specified in 12.29.1. ConfigChangeTime The time at which the administrative variables that determine the cycle are to be copied across to the corresponding operational variables, expressed as a PTP timescale. The value of this variable is set by the SetConfigChangeTime() procedure ( in the List Config state machine ( CurrentTime The current time maintained by the local system, expressed as a PTP timescale (see 8.2 of IEEE Std 802.1AS-2011).
NOTE 1—Other sources of times can be used to provide a value for the time. The implementation has to ensure that the same view of time is shared by the implementation and whatever entity is responsible for establishing the time schedule. The described mechanisms will work also with other formats of time.
NOTE 2—A discontinuity in time will have a predictable effect upon the operation of the state machines, as a consequence of their definitions. The implementer and/or user is advised to understand what those effects could be, and either limit such discontinuities or ensure that the results will not adversely affect the application.IEEE 802.1Qbv pdf download.

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