IEEE 802.1Qav-2009 pdf free download – IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks— Virtual Bridged Local Area Networks Amendment 12: Forwarding and Queuing Enhancements for Time-Sensitive Streams

02-23-2022 comment

IEEE 802.1Qav-2009 pdf free download – IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks— Virtual Bridged Local Area Networks Amendment 12: Forwarding and Queuing Enhancements for Time-Sensitive Streams.
5. Conformance
5.4.1 VLAN-aware bridge component options
insert new bullet hemp) as shown, following existing ballet item o):
p1 Support forwardtng and queuing fOr tIme-sensitive streams e5.4,l .51. insert new 5..L 1.5 as shown, following exissing Forwarding and queuing for time-sensitive streams—requirements
A Vl.AN.assanr Bridge component unplementalton that c”nI,wms to the pros osons of this standard for forssarshng and queuing for titne-sensitive streams ‘hull:
a) Support a minimum of two traffic clas,’cs on all Ports, of which
I) A minimum of one traffic class supports the strict priority algonthm for transmission selection, and
2) One traffic clan is an SR class.
b) Support the operation of the credit-hased shaper algorithm (8.6.11,2) ott all Ports he selection algorithm used for the SR clan.
c) Support SRP domain hsistndaty port priority regeneratton override as defined in 69.4, and the default priority regeneration override value defined tn Table 6-6. for SR class it.
di Support the tables and procedures for mapping priorities to traffic classes as defined in 34.5.
A VLAN-aware Bridge cotsiponene implementation that cotifornia to the pros isions of this standard for forssatding and queuing for titne-sensitive streams may:
ci Support the ntanagentetit entities defined in 12.21 by means, of the SNMP hUB module defined in
0 Support two or more SR classes l.a ma.simum of sevenl. atid support the operatiott of the credit- based shapet algorithm ( on all Ports as the traasmissiost selection algorithm used for those SR classes. The nuntlser of SR classes supported shall he stated its the PItS.
g) Support SRP dotnaits boundary pprt priority regeneration override as defined in 6.9.4. and the default priority regeneration override value defined in Table 6-6. for SR class “A”. If itiore than Pso SR classes are supported. the default priority tegeneration override values used for sIte additional SR classes shall be stated in the PIeS.
insert Kite following new , after existIng 5,17, renumbering as necessary:
5.18 End station requirements—forwarding and queuing for time-sensitive streams
An end station tmplementation that eont’ornts to the provisions of this siandard for forwarding and queuing for time-sensitive streams shall:
a) Support a minimum of two traffic classes on all Ports, of which
I) A minimum of one traffic class supports the strict priority algorithm for transmission selection, and
2) One traffic class is an SR class.
hi Support the operation of the credit-based shaper algorithm ( as the txansatitssion selection algorithm used for frames transmitted for each stream associated with the SR class.
ci Support the operation of the credit-based shaper algorithtn ( on all Ports as the tnutsmission selection algorithm used for the SR class.

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