IEEE 802.11aq-2018 pdf free download – IEEE Standard for Information technology- Telecommunications and information exchange between systems Local and metropolitan area networks- Specific requirements Part 1 1: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications Amendment 5: Preassociation Discovery
4. General description
4.5 OvervIew of the services
4.5.4 Access control and data confidentiality services
Insert the flowing sabdaase ( after MAC privacy enhancements
When a non-AP STA cearcltes Rn. and connects to. an infraranictun, 1155. 11455, ir P1155 or attempts to discos a senica on a network pnassocialion. it detltsti the addressing of its MAC layet for rite partwala contseclan. If the 5Th usa a faed MAC address iita iris ral to track the 5Th. An MSDU transaninod by a STA is ansigned a sequence tsumbcr that, if never reset, can also In used to track a device irrespective of the MAC address. If 01DM is u, the PHi’ DATA scrambler tated can enable trucking of a device nrespects’e ni the MAC address if it is not reseedrd The dynamic nature ui 1155 nsanbershrp comhOted with this trackmg rntormatn.’ri allows for cuintruclaxi of a network of connections, locations, and behavior. This network can In used to glcan prisate and sensitive inknnstmn ie-garditsg the indisidual behind the device
Funheintorr. even without establishing a connection, a mobile or portable STA that gratuitously transmits I’n*c Reqisesi frames containing SSJI)s of favored infrastructure IISS networks, us announces thearslencsr of 11155 nemorks. cat teveal pctatriaIlv sensitive itsfonnation about ira location and location history,
To mitigate this sort ot’ traffic analysis a STA can suppsci the ability to penodically aid randomly cttaige as MAC addresses and reset counters and seeds prior to assoetattiat. While drtcuvenng networks, a STA can tefratn from gratuitously traismirttng Probe Request flumes contattstng SSlDs ol’fasoted 1355 networks.
4.5.9 Interworklng with external networks
Insert the following .swlrclawse heading (43.9.lj. .isd change the test iior4,’inoting from the former 4.59,1 of the now 4.59.1 as shasta: General
The into’a’t*king service allows non-AP S1’As to access sen ices provided by an estental network according to the subrenption orottsee chamcrcvislics of th ettennal network An JEFF Sid aol II non-AP STA might have a sisbienption relationship with an estcrnal network, e.g.. with an SSPN.
An oseniew of the inteswotking funcliotw addressed in this ssantia’d is provided below:
Network discosery and selection
Discovery of suitakie iteeworks through the adscrttsetneta of access ttetwutl. lype. roaming consorlitan aid venue information, via Maaagctncnr fratnes
Selection of a sititable IEEE 91)2.11 infrasantctsire using advertisentent services leg, aens network query protocol (ANQPi or an IEEE 902.2 lTst Infttnnation Sencrf in the 1355 or in an cstcrttat ntiwurk reachable sin the 1355.
Selection ofan SSPN oresternal network with its corresponding IEEE go2, II lnfrastnicttrc Preassoeaatioo discovay IPAD)
— Discoscn of ten’iees offered k a BSS ot an esternal network reitetsahie s ta that kISS
-Emergency services
-Emergency Call and Network Alert support at the link level QoS mapping distribution SSPN interface service between the AP and the SSPN The generic advertisement service (GAS), described in 4.5. 10, provides both support for a STA’s network discovery and selection, and support for a conduit for communication by a non-AP STA with other information resources in a network before joining the wireless LAN. The interworking service supports emergency services by providing methods for users to access emergency services via the IEEE 802.11 infrastructure, advertising that emergency services are supported (see 1 1.25.6) and identifying that a taffic stream is used for emergency services.
The interworking service provides QoS mapping for SSPNs and other extemnal networks. Since each SSPN or other external network might have its own layer-3 end-to-end packet marking practice (e.g, differentiated services code point (DSCP) usage conventions), a means to remap the layer-3 service levels to a common over-the-air service level is necessary. The QoS Map service provides STAs a mapping of network-layer QoS packet marking to over-the-air QoS frame marking (i.e, user priorty). The SSPN Interface service supports service provisioning and transfer of user permissions from the SSPN to the AP. The method and protocol by which these permissions are transferred from the SSPN are outside the scope of this standard.IEEE 802.11aq pdf download.
IEEE 802.11aq-2018 pdf free download – IEEE Standard for Information technology- Telecommunications and information exchange between systems Local and metropolitan area networks- Specific requirements Part 1 1: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications Amendment 5: Preassociation Discovery
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