IEEE 754-2019 pdf free download – IEEE Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic.
2. Definitions, abbreviations, and acronyms
2.1 Definitions
For the purposes of this standard, the following terms and dcf’iniiions apply
applicable attribute: The value of an attribute governing a particular instance 01 execution oi a computational operation of this standard. Languages specify how the applicable atthbute is determined.
arithmetIc formal: A floating-point format ihat can be used to represent floating-point operands or results fir the operations of this standard,
attribute: An implicit parameter to operations of this standard, which a user nught statically set in a programming language by specifying a constant value. The terni attribute might refer to the parameter las in ‘rounding-direction attribute’) a its valise (as in “roundTowardlcro attribute’).
bask formal: One of five hooting-point rqsrescntations. three binary and two decimal, whose cncodmgs are specified by this standard, and which can be used l’or arithmetic. One or more of the basic formats is implemented in any conforming implementation.
biased exponent: The sum of the exponent and a constant (bias( chosen to make the biased exponenCs range nan-negative.
bipian floatingoint namber: A floating-point ntnnber with radix two.
block: A languagc-detincd syntactic unit for which a user can specify attributes. Language standards might provide means for users to specify attributes for blocks of varying scopes, even as Large as an entire program and as small as a single operation.
canonical encoding: A preferred encoding of a tloating-point representation in a formal. Tanonical cncoding’ also applies to declets, significiwsds of tinite numbers, infinities, and NaNs, especially in decimal fonnats.
cohort: The set of all floating-point representations that represent a given floating-point number in a given floating-point format. In this context 0 and ‘0 are considered distinct and are in different cohorts.
computational operation: An operation that produces floating-point results or that might signal floating- point exccption& Computational operations produce results in floating-point a other destination formats by rounding them to hit if necessary.
correct rounding: This standartfs method of convening an infinitely precise result to a floating-point number, as determined by the applicable rounding direction. A floating-point number so obtained is said to be correctly rounded.
dectnial floatIng-point number: A floating-point number with radix ten.
decks: An encoding of three decimal digits into ten bits using the densely packed decimal encoding scheme. Computational operations accept all 1024 possible decks in operands, Most computational operations produce only the 1000 canonical deelets.
denormallied number: Sep subnormal number,
destination: The location ftc the result of an operation upon one a more opcraisds, A destination might be either explicitly designated by the user or implicitly supplied by the system tfor example. mtennedtate results in subexpressions or arguments for procedures). Even though some languages place the results of intcrmcsiiatc calculations in destinations beyond the user’s control, this standard defines the result of an operation in tcnrts of that destination’s format and the opcrands salues.
dynamic ntode: An optional method of dynamically setting attributes by means of operations of this standard to set, test, save, and restore them.
esception: An event that occurs when an operation on sane particular operands has no outcome suitable liii’ every reasonable application That iiper.ition might signal an exception by invoking default exception handling or alternate exception handling. Exception handling might signal further exceptions Recognize that esysi:, exception, and signal are defined in diverse ways in different programming environments.IEEE 754 pdf download.
IEEE 754-2019 pdf free download – IEEE Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic
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