IEEE 7-4.3.2-2016 pdf free download – IEEE Standard Criteria for Digital Computers in Safety Systems of Nuclear Power Generating Stations.
A V&V plan shall be prepared to confrm the crretnes and completeness of the design. The V&V plan shall specify activities and tests that shall be inspected, winessed, performned, or reviewed by competent individul(s)s or group(s) other than those who developed the original design. The V&V plan shall be reviewed by competent individual(s) or group() other than those who developed the plan.’ Guidance for the development of V&V plans is available in IEEE Std 1012- 1986 and IEC Std Pub 880. 1986. Within IEEE Sud 1012-1986. the term critical is considered equivalent to the term sajery as defined in IEEE SItd 03-1991.
5.3.5 Sotware configuration management Software configuraion management shall be performed in accordance with ASME NQA-2a-1990 Part 2.7. section 5. Guidance for the development of sofware configuration management plans can be found in IEEE Std 828- 1990. . Hardware configuration management shall be performed in accordance with ASME NQA-1-1989. Supple- ment 38-1. section 5.
5.4 Equipment qulfication In xditio to the requirements of IEEE Std 603- 1991, the fllowing requirement is necessry in order to meet the equipment qualification criterion. Equipment qulifcation testing shall be performed with the computer functioning with software and ding- nostics that are representative of those used in actual operation. All portions of the computer necessary to accomplish the safety function, or those portions whose operaion or failure could impair the safety function, shall be exercised during testing. This includes, as appropriate, exercising and monitoring the memory, the CPU, inputs and outputs. display functions, diagnostics, associated components, communication paths, and interfaces. Testing shall demonstrate that the design basis performance requirements have been met.
5.5 System integrity In addition to the requirements of IEEE Std 603- 1991, the fllowv ing requirements are ncessary in order to meet the system integrity criterion. a) Design for computer integity ) Design for test and calibration
5.5.1 Design for computer integrity In xdiio to design basis conditions identifiod in IEEE Std 60- 1991, the computer shall be designed to perform its safety function when subiccted to all conditions, extemal or intemal, that have significant poten- tial for defeating the safety functionl0 [c.g. input and output processing failures, precision or roundoff prob- lems, improper recovery actions, ectrical input voltage and frquency, fuctuations. maximum credible number of cincident signal changes. electromagnetic interference (EMI),” and othens].
If the design basis identifies a safety system preferred failure mode, failures of the computer shall not pre- clude the safety system from being placed in that mode. Performance of the computer restart operations shall not result in the safety system being inhibited from performing its function.
5.5.2 Design for test and calibration
The test and calibration function shall not adversely affect the ability of the computer to perform its safety function. Appropriate bypass of one redundant channel is not considered an adverse effect in this context. It shall be verified that the test and calibration function does not affect any computer function not included in a calibration change (e.g., setpoint change).
V&V, configuration management, and QA shall be required for test and calibration functions on separate computers (e.g., test and calibration computer) that provide the sole verification of test and calibration data. V&V, configuration management, and QA shall be required when the test and calibration function is inher- ent to the computer that is part of the safety system.IEEE 7-4.3.2 pdf download.
IEEE 7-4.3.2-2016 pdf free download – IEEE Standard Criteria for Digital Computers in Safety Systems of Nuclear Power Generating Stations
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