IEEE 650-2017 pdf free download – IEEE Standard for Qualification of Class 1E Static Battery Chargers, Inverters, and Uninterruptible Power Supply Systems for Nuclear Power Generating Stations

02-21-2022 comment

IEEE 650-2017 pdf free download – IEEE Standard for Qualification of Class 1E Static Battery Chargers, Inverters, and Uninterruptible Power Supply Systems for Nuclear Power Generating Stations.
3. Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations
3.1 Definitions
For the put-poses of this document, the following terms and detimtions apply. The IEEE Standu,ds Dictionn Online should be consulted for terms no defined in this clause.
batters charger: Equipment that cons mx ac power to dc power and is used to recharge and maintain a station battery in a fully charged condition and to supply power to dc loads during nonnal operation and design basis events,
components: Items from which the equipment is assembled leg., resistors, capacitors, wires, conneciors. semiconductors, tubes, switches, and ele’tromechanteal dev,vcs).
equipment: Assembly of components designed and manufactured to pertorm spec die functions.
NOTE—Scnsois. cables, electrieall) operated salses, and l&C cabinet or racks c esaisipics otcquipnicnt.i
equipment qualification: The generation and maintenance of evidence to ensure that cquipnient will operate on demand to meet system performance requirements during normal and abnormal sers ice conditions and postulated design basis events.
NOTE—Equipnieni qualification ineludes ens ircaimenral, scenic, arid electromagnetic compatibilky(EtlRflSurge withstand capah)hty where applicable) qualification
Inserter: Equipment that converts tic power to tic power. It includes auxiliary devices such as transfer switches, alternate source transformers anti regulators, input t tifier (other than battery chargers), and isolation devices (e.g.. blocking diodes).
mari2l,.: The difference between service conditions and die conditions used for equipment qualification.
operating epcricnce: Accumulation of venfiahle service data for conditions equivalent to those fot which particular equipment is to he qualified.
qualifled Il(e: The period for which an equipment has been deinonstr.iicd. through testing. analysis, anl.ur experience, to he capahl of functioning within aceeptanice criteria during specific operating conditions while retaining the ability to perform its safety functions during design basis events.
NOTE—At the end of the qualified life, the equipment shall be capable of performing the safety function(s) required for the postulated design-basis event and design extension (post-design-basis events) conditions (IEC/IEEE 60780- 323). Class 1E equipment may include components that have significant aging mechanisms.
The qualification process will include information on when these aging mechanisms start and any replacement/maintenance interval required. mild environment: Environment that would at no time be significantly more severe than the environment that would occur during normal plant operation, including anticipated operational occurrences. stressor: An agent or stimulus that stems from fabrication or service conditions and can produce degradation of a system, structure, or component (defined in IEEE Std 1205 [B14]).
surge suppressors: A device operative in conformance with the rate of change of current, voltage, power, etc., to prevent the rise of such quantity above a predetermined value.
uninterruptible power supply (UPS) system: A system designed to provide power automatically, without delay or transients during any period when the normal power supply is incapable of performing acceptably. The UPS systems may consist of and not limited to the following modules/sections:
– inverter
– battery charger
– rectifier
– static transfer switch
– maintenance bypass switch
– battery power source
– line regulating transformer.IEEE 650 pdf download.

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