IEEE 463-2019 pdf free download – IEEE Standard for Electrical Safety Practices in Electrolytic Cell Line Working Zones

02-21-2022 comment

IEEE 463-2019 pdf free download – IEEE Standard for Electrical Safety Practices in Electrolytic Cell Line Working Zones.
5.1 Insulation
Insulation Inc hides a properly designed system for energized anctor grounded surfaces utilizing noneonductive materials. Nonconductive material may include glass. porcelain, epoxy coating, rubber, fiberglass. plastic, and when sit-v. such materials as concrete. tile, brick, and wood
Periodic testing and monitoring of (he inulation integrity used in the ccli line work zone from the cell line energized surfaces and ground is required. The electrical insulation systems on fixed and movable equipment within the cell line working zone shall be tested periodically and monitored to help ensure the insulating properties do not degrade to a state that the equipment becomes unsafe to use.
Personnel working on or around an eleetrolviic cell line may mistake cell line potential and tnsulated members from gi-ounded metnbers. Additional safeguards Ilisted in (‘Iats’.e 5) may he warranted basest on a task based risk assessment of the task Wing performed.
5.2 Guards
Guards include mechanical devices such as covers-, casings. barriers, rails, screens, mats, and platforms that prevent approach or contact with electncal ly energized or grounded surfaces
5.3 Voltage equalization
Voltage equalization is accomplished by connecting a conductive surface to an electrically energized surface. either directly or through a resistance, so thai there is insufficient voltage difference, helping to reduce the risk of an electric-al hazard,
5,4 Isolation
Isolation employs the placement of equipment or items in locations so that personnel are unlikely to simultaneously contact exposed conductive surfaces at ditlereni potentials.
5.5 Physical clearance
Physical clearance is a substantially safe working distance designed to minimize safety risks that may be less ihan that defined for the cell line working zone.
5.6 Personal protective equipment
Personal protective equipment tPPE) should include one or more of the following as determined appropriate for the cnndiiions:
— Footwear for wet service
— Footwear for dry service
— Gloves for wet service
— Gloves for dry service
— Sleeves for wet service
— Sleeves for dry service
— Electrically insulated head protection
— Eye protection with nonconductive frames
— Faceshield (polycarbonate or similar non-melting type)
— Other PPE as required
Consideration should he given to the tasks being performed (Task Based Risk Assessnient) as well as the rating of the PPF selected 11w the task, venus the potential exposures in the vicinityof the work being performed,
5.7 Work practices for improved safety
Work practices for improved safety shall & developed, used, and enforced for ttmoving or reducing electrical hazards not alleviated by the nwthods described in 51 through 5,111.
Each task performed in the electrolytic ceLl line working zone shall be considered for the risk of shock andor arc flash injury. If there is risk of personal injury, appropriate measures shall be taken to help proteet persons exposed to shock andor arc flash hazards. Tlsese measures shall include one or more of the following:
a) Provide appropriate personal protective equipment to help prevent injury from the shock andor are flash hazard.
b) Alter work procedures to help redisce or eliminate the possibility of the shock and’or arc flash hazard,
I) A shock andor arc flash hazard risk assessment shall be completed for all routine tasks performed in the cell line working Zone.
2) Before a non-routine task is pertbrmed in the cell line working zone, a shock or arc flash hazard risk assessment shall be completed.
3) Appropriate instructions shall be given to employees involved on how to minimize the possibility of a hazardous arc flash.
ci Where practical, schedule the task so thai work can be performed when the cell line ts de- energized.
Note that battery effect may pose a shock andet arc flash hazard, even when power is disconnected from the cell, and should be considered in the shock andor arc flash hazard risk assessment
5.8 Additional requirements
In addition to the preceding safeguards. the following general requirements apply:
a) Personnel permitted to work in the cell line working zone shall be qualified by periodic training and instntctioti as to what electrical hazards exist and what safeguards are provided in the areas of their assigned dtttmn. The potential of shock and.or arc flash hazards shall he considered in training employees in job procedures.
b) Unqualified personnel should he escorted at all times while within the cell line working zone,
e) Normal entrances into a cell line working zone shall be masked with conspicuous warning signs that forbid entry by unqualified persons.
d) Protective devices and equipment shall be periodically verified to confirm they are in proper working conditioti.
e) Personal protective equipment used to protect against shock hazards shall be periodically tested by methods consistent with the exposure of the wearer to electrical hazards.
I’) Personal protective equipnsent shall be inspected prior to each use, maintained, and replaced in accordance with the manufacturer’s reconuuendatioiss and local salëty regulations.IEEE 463 pdf download.

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