IEEE 387-2017 pdf free download – IEEE Standard for Criteria for Diesel Generator Units Applied as Standby Power Supplies for Nuclear Power Generating Stations.
3. Definitions
For the purpose-s of this document. the following tents and definitions apply The IEEE Standards Dicthinan’
Oirjins’ should be consulted for tenns not defined in this clause.
acerptiibfr Demonstrated 10 be adequate by the safety analysis of the plant.
continuous rating (of diesel-generator unit) The electnc power output capability that the diesel- generator unit can maintain in the service environment for K76() h of operation per year with only scheduled outages for maintenance,
design basis esent’aecideut: Postulated events used in the design to establish the performance requirements of the structures, systems, and components. A postulated event or accident that a nuclear f*ility shall be designed and built to withstand without loss to the systems, structures, and components necessary to improve public health and safety.
design load That combination of electric loads (ICW and kvar), having the most severe power demand charactenstie, whsch is provsded with electric energy from a diesel-generator unit for the operation of engineered safety features and other systems required dunng and following shutdown of the reactor. Design load nsay include the term power factor.
diesel-generator unit- An independent source of standby electrical power that consists of a diesel-hicled tnternal combustion engine (or engtnes) coupled directly to an electncal generator (or generators): the associated mechanical and electrical auxiliary systems; and the control. protection. and sttrveillance systems.
start demands All valid and inadvertent starts, including all starts that are followed by load—nina. whether by automatic or manual initiation Included is a start-only situatson where the emergency dtesel generator is started, but no attempt is made to load the emergency diesel generator Sec the following exeptions:
– start demand litilures
Any failure within the emergency diesel generator system that prevents tlse generator from achieving a specified freqttency (or spcedl and voltage within specified time allowance is classified as a valid start failure. For monthly surveillance tests, the emergency diesel generator can be brought to rated speed and voltage in the time recommended by the manufacturer to reduced stress and wear.
Any condition identified during maintenance inspections (with the emergency diesel generator in the stancLy mode) that would definitely have resulted in a start failure if a demand had occurred shall count as a valid start demand and failure.
load-run demands: To be valid, the load-run attempt shall follow a successlitl start and meet one of the following criteria (see the exceptions below):
a) A load-run of any duration that results from a real (i.e., not a test) atttomatic or manual signal
b) A load-rstn test to satisfy the planis load and duratton test specifications
e) Other operations (e.g.. special tests) in which the emergency diesel generator ts planned to run for at least I h with at least 5(Y of design load
load-run demand failures: A load-run lilure shall he counted when the emergency diesel generator starts but does not pick up the load and run successftilly.IEEE 387 pdf download.
IEEE 387-2017 pdf free download – IEEE Standard for Criteria for Diesel Generator Units Applied as Standby Power Supplies for Nuclear Power Generating Stations
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