IEEE 1609.2b-2019 pdf free download – lEEE Standard for Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments- -Security Services for Applications and Management Messages Amendment 2: PDU Functional Types and Encryption Key Management.
lithe key was not “ephcirerafl Le. nctatcd within the SOS at the time of data encryption, it is refern.’d t as “stalk”.
Folkswing data encryption, the SOS creates Recipientinfos which allow the intended recipients to access the data encryption key. Each different key encrypt on key i will in general correspond to a different mtended redpierii of the encrypted PDU.
The recipients arc provided inFirmation .. …. kçy as Filtisw.:
— If the insoking 50FF presided one or more recipient keys. the SOS encryss the key 4 with esh of thosc keyksytta.ptoduce a scdnenuypted keya4cAJwith each c4 i enctyptionsftwith key encryption key i. ‘ntis precess is specified in 5.3.41. For each key encryption key L the SOS creates a Recipietxlnfo structure containitig the encrypted key at of the type detcrtninedy,the typcoLthcreeipicnt ‘a encryption key as specifkttin_6.L3L This_enables the iccigmts itt possession of the corresatonding decryption kes to recover the data etsciyption
— If the invoking 50FF requested a direct indication of the data encption key, the SOS creates a singie Recipietalnfo structure of type PreSharedkrvRecipicntlnfo identilsing the data encryption key. This enables recipients who already possess the data encryption key to identit that it is the kcy.abtasedioAecfltketscrt&data.
— The SOS then encodes all the Recipeentinfos intu a Sequenc{)lTteeipicntinli, encodes the $eguence(URccjpicptlnfo and the Sy,nn,rtncOphenet into an Etwrvptedl3ata, and encapsulates the Encn’ritedflata in an leeelWt9flnt2flnta
This approach allows an LiscryptedData to be created fur recipients that already know the data encrptiurt key, for recipients that do not already know the clara encryption key, sr tñr a combination of the two types of recspe’nts,
In the Sec-EncrvptcdDataregtaest pnnwtive of 93.1 1.1. the 50FF indicates to the SOS whether to me
epltemer or stanc data encryption key by provitbnc or not psosiding the Lkua Eiwrwraim Kcr Tnie parameter, lIthe 50FF rcque tied at) ephemeral data encryption key, the SOS may return a cryptomaterial handle lice 4.3.3 and 9.2.2) Fe that data encryption ke in the curresponditssr Sec’FnersptedData.contirtn pnttiitise toenahL’ that data enctyptiun 1ev to be icuscd ifdcstred.
In the Sec-FasersptedDataOecnptaon.confinn primitive of 9.3 131 the SOS may provide a Cvvptotmtrtial Handle for the data encryp1ion key in the Thras £ncn peant Aki C4111 parameter. This enables the 50FF that receises thia.phmitiyeioitoatlr CMH RieLater tate.
13.4,2 Data nCrVDIIOn
Data encr’.ptsnn is perti, nric ,t is iisi ,isis:
— The pIaintet P Fats the form of a valid encoded Iecelt(ttiDotDDsta structure
— A syrnmetnc data encryption key k for an approved symnsetric algorithm at specttled in 5.3.8 is available at described in
— P is encrtyted with 4 io obtain a ciphertest C If the approved ssinmetric alotithm u’cr s n°rtce, that nonce is generated freshly and at random for each new plaintest. Data encryption key encryption A data encryption key can be encrypted for one or more public or symmetric keys resulting in a single encrypted SPDU that may be decrypted by the holder or holders of the decryption key corresponding to any of the encryption keys.
Each of the encryption keys used is referred to as a recipient key and the owner of the corresponding decryption key is referred to as a recipient. Encryption of a data encryption key is performed as follows: For each recipient key, the data encryption key k is encrypted with the recipient key to obtain an encrypted data encryption key ek.
一 If the recipient key is an asymmetric public key. the cryptographic processing for encryption with the public key varies depending on the source of the public key; see 5.3.5 for details. If the_ recipient key is a symmetric key. the data encryption key is encrypted with the symmetric key as specified in 5.3.8 and the relevant RecipientInfo is_ of type SymmRecipientInfo.IEEE 1609.2b pdf download.
IEEE 1609.2b-2019 pdf free download – lEEE Standard for Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments- -Security Services for Applications and Management Messages Amendment 2: PDU Functional Types and Encryption Key Management
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