IEC 61400-1-2005 pdf free download – Wind turbines Part 12-1: Power performance measurements of electricity producing wind turbines.
This part of lEC 61400 specifies a procedure for measuring the power performancecharacteristics of a single wind turbine and applies to the testing of wind turbines of all typesand sizes connected to the electrical power network. In addition,this standard describes aprocedure to be used to determine the power performance characteristics of small windturbines (as defined in lEC 61400-2) when connected to either the electric power network or abattery bank. The procedure can be used for performance evaluation of specific turbines atspecific locations,but equally the methodology can be used to make generic comparisonsbetween different turbine models or different turbine settings.
The wind turbine power performance characteristics are determined by the measured powercurve and the estimated annual energy production (AEP). The measured power curve isdetermined by collecting simultaneous measurements of wind speed and power output at thetest site for a period that is long enough to establish a statistically significant database over arange of wind speeds and under varying wind and atmospheric conditions. The AEP iscalculated by applying the measured power curve to reference wind speed frequencydistributions, assuming 100 %availability.
The standard describes a measurement methodology that requires the measured power curveand derived energy production figures to be supplemented by an assessment of uncertaintysources and their combined effects.
2Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document.For dated references, only the edition cited applies.For undated references, the latest editionof the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
IEC60044-1:1996, Instrument transformers – Part 1: Current transformersAmendment 1 (2000)
Amendment 2 (20o2)1
IEC 60688:1992,Electrical measuring transducers for converting a.c. electrical quantities toanalogue or digital signals
Amendment 1 (1997)
Amendment 2(2001)2
IEC 61400-2:1996, Wind turbine generator systems – Part 1: Safety of small wind turbines
ISO 2533:1975,Standard atmosphere
Iso Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement,1995,ISBN 92-67-10188-9
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
closeness of the agreement between the result of a measurement and a true value of themeasurand
annual energy productionAEP
estimate of the total energy production of a wind turbine during a one-year period by applyingthe measured power curve to different reference wind speed frequency distributions at hubheight,assuming 100 % availability
complex terrain
terrain surrounding the test site that features significant variations in topography and terrainobstacles that may cause flow distortion
data set
collection of data that was sampled over a continuous period
distance constant
indication of the response time of an anemometer, defined as the length of air that must passthe instrument for it to indicate 63 % of the final value for a step input in wind speed
extrapolated power curve
extension of the measured power curve by estimating power output from the maximummeasured wind speed to cut-out wind speed
flow distortion
change in air flow caused by obstacles,topographical variations,or other wind turbines thatresults in a deviation of the measured wind speed from the free stream wind speed and in asignificant uncertainty
hub height (wind turbines)
height of the centre of the swept area of the wind turbine rotor above the ground at the towerNOTE For a vertical axis wind turbine the hub height is the height of the equator plane.
measured power curve
table and graph that represents the measured, corrected and normalized net power output ofa wind turbine as a function of measured wind speed,measured under a well-definedmeasurement procedure.IEC 61400-1 pdf download.
IEC 61400-1-2005 pdf free download – Wind turbines Part 12-1: Power performance measurements of electricity producing wind turbines
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