IEC 60747-14-2-2000 pdf free download – Semiconductor devices – Part 1 4-2: Semiconductor sensors – Hall elements.
2.2 Ratings (limiting values)
2.2.1 Temperatures
2.2.1 .1 Minimum and maximum storage temperatures (T stg )
2.2.1 .2 Minimum and maximum operating temperatures (T opr )
2.2.2 Bias Maximum control current (I cmax ) Maximum control voltage (V cmax )
2.2.3 Derating curve Control current derating curve
Maximum control current at each temperature shall be stated or be depicted in the form of a figure. Control voltage derating curve
Maximum control voltage at each temperature shall be stated or be depicted in the form of a figure.
2.3 Characteristics
Characteristics are to be given at 25 °C, except where otherwise stated; other temperatures should be taken from the list in IEC 60747-1 , chapter VI, clause 5.
2.3.1 Unloaded electrical characteristics
2.3.1 .1 Output Hall voltage (V H )
Maximum and minimum values, at a specified magnetic flux density and control voltage or current, at an operating temperature of 25 °C.
2.3.1 .2 Input resistance (R in )
Maximum and minimum values, at a specified voltage or current without any magnetic flux density, at an operating temperature of 25 °C.
2.3.1 .3 Output resistance (R out )
Maximum and minimum values, at a specified voltage or current without any magnetic flux density, at an operating temperature of 25 °C.
2.3.1 .4 Offset voltage (V o )
Maximum and minimum values, at a specified control voltage or current without any magnetic flux density, at an operating temperature of 25 °C.
2.3.1 .5 Temperature coefficient of output Hall voltage (α V H )
Average value at a specified temperature range (understood as the range given in 3.6.4), at a specified control current under specified magnetic flux density. coefficient of input resistance (cRin)
Average value at a specified temperature range (understood as the range given in 3.7.3), at aspecified control current without any magnetic flux density. strength
Maximum and minimum values at a specified voltage with respect to any external surface ofthe device.
2.3.2Dimensional drawing2.3.2.1 Dimensions
The drawing shall provide dimensions with specified tolerance. of terminals
The position of the four terminals shall be shown in the figure.
3Measuring methods
3.1.1General precautions
The general precautions are listed in chapter Vill, clause 2, of lEC 60747-1. In addition, specialcare should be taken to use low-ripple d.c. supplies and to decouple adequately all bias supplyvoltages.
3.1.2Handling precautions
Due to the rather thin layer of semiconductor sensing region, the devices may be irreversiblydamaged if an excessive voltage is allowed to build up,for example due to contact withelectrostatically charged persons, leakage currents from soldering irons,etc.
When handling the devices,the handling precautions given in lEC 60747-1,chapter lX,clause 1, or IEC 61340-5-1,shall, therefore, be observed.
3.2Output Hall voltage (VH)
3.2.1 Purpose
To measure output Hall voltage under specified conditions.
3.2.2 Principles of measurements
Measuring the output Hall voltage is to evaluate the sensitivity of the devices to the appliedmagnetic flux density,which is in turn a measure of how well the current devices matchapplication circuits.
Measurements are based on the principle of the Hall element described here. In figure 1 , the control current Ic flows through terminals 1 and 3 in an appropriate semiconducting material of thickness d. Upon application of a magnetic field with magnetic flux density B perpendicular to the wafer, the potential difference V H develops between terminals 2 and 4. The output Hall voltage V H is expressed as: V H = (K H /d) × I c × B.IEC 60747-14-2 pdf download.
IEC 60747-14-2-2000 pdf free download – Semiconductor devices – Part 1 4-2: Semiconductor sensors – Hall elements
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