IEC 60309-2-2021 pdf free download – Plugs, fixed or portable socket-outlets and appliance inlets for industrial purposes – Part 2: Dimensional compatibility requirements for pin and contact-tube accessories

02-13-2022 comment

IEC 60309-2-2021 pdf free download – Plugs, fixed or portable socket-outlets and appliance inlets for industrial purposes – Part 2: Dimensional compatibility requirements for pin and contact-tube accessories.
This document applies to plugs,fixed or portable socket-outlets,and appliance inlets,hereinafter referred to as accessories, with a rated operating voltage not exceeding 1 0o0 v Dcor 1 000 V AC with a frequency not exceeding 500 Hz and a rated current not exceeding 125 A,primarily intended for industrial use, either indoors or outdoors.
These accessories are intended to be installed by instructed persons or skilled persons only.
NOTE 1 All references for accessories with a rated current of more than 125 A in IEC 60309-1 are not applicableto this document.
This document applies to accessories with pins and contact-tubes of standardizedconfigurations.
This document applies to accessories, for use when the ambient temperature is normally withinthe range -25 °c to 40°C.
The use of these accessories on building sites and for agricultural, commercial and domesticapplications is not precluded.
This document applies to accessories with screwless-type terminals or insulation piercingterminals,with a rated current up to and including 32 A for series l and 30 A for series ll.
Socket-outlets or appliance inlets incorporated in or fixed to electrical equipment are within thescope of this document. This document also applies to accessories intended to be used inextra-low voltage installations.
NOTE2 This document does not apply to accessories primarily intended for domestic and similar general purposes.In locations where special conditions prevail, for example on board ship or where explosionsare liable to occur,additional requirements can be necessary.
2Normative references
Clause 2 of lEC 60309-1:2021 applies except as follows:
Additional normative references:
IEC 60309-1:2021,Plugs,fixed or portable socket-outlets and appliance inlets for industrialpurposes – Part 1: General requirements
IEC 60364-4-41,Low-voltage electrical installations – Part 4-41: Protection for safety -Protection against electric shock
3Terms and definitions
Clause 3 of lEC 60309-1:2021 applies except as follows:Additional terms and definitions:
phase inverter
plug or appliance inlet with operating means to interchange the position of two phase-pinswithout disconnecting them from the conductors
solid pin
pin made from a single homogeneous material, without holes,slots, slits or similar outside theterminal area
Clause 4 of lEC 60309-1:2020 applies except as follows:4.1 Replace the fifth paragraph by the following:
ln this document:
2P + E covers both 2P + E and 1P+N+ Eand3P + E covers both 3P + E and 2P +N+Eunless specifically excluded (see Table 208).Additional subclause:
4.201 lf gauges are used, they shall be of hardened steel, all corners shall be slightly rounded-off with a maximum radius of 0,1 mm and, if not otherwise specified, the surface finish for allmeasurement surfaces shall be minimum.
5 Standard ratings
Clause 5 of lEC 60309-1:2021 applies except as follows:
5.201 The standard IP ratings according to IEC 60529 are:
– IP44,
– IP67,
– IP66/IP67,
– IP67/IP69,
– IP66/IP67/IP69.
6 Classification of accessories
Clause 6 of IEC 60309-1 :2021 applies except as follows:
6.2 Not applicable.
7 Marking
Clause 7 of lEC 60309-1:2021 applies except as follows:
7.1 Replace the sentence before the compliance statement at the end of the subclause bythe following paragraphs:
The symbol indicating the position of the earthing contact or of the minor key or keyway shallbe placed before or above the value for the rated operating voltage and separated from it by aline.
These markings shall be placed after the marking for rated current, separated from it by a dashif an oblique line separates the symbol indicating the position of the earthing contact or of theminor key or keyway from the value for the rated operating voltage.
lf a symbol for nature of supply is used, it shall be placed after or below the marking for ratedoperating voltage.
For three-phase accessories it is not necessary to mark the voltage phase to neutral, if any.The marking for rated current(s),position of the earthing contact or the minor key,keyway,rated operating voltage(s) and nature of supply accordingly may be as follows.IEC 60309-2 pdf download.

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