BS ISO-IEC 17991-2015 pdf free download – Information technology — Office equipment — Method for Measuring Scanning Productivity of Digital Multifunctional Devices

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BS ISO-IEC 17991-2015 pdf free download – Information technology — Office equipment — Method for Measuring Scanning Productivity of Digital Multifunctional Devices.
Scanning device maintenance shall be performed throughout testing per the manufacturer’srecommendations.
4.5Preparation of Test Targets (Test Charts)The scanning test file is outlined in Annex C.
This test file is from ISO/IEC 24735“Method of measuring digital copying productivity”.The test fileconsists of 4 single sided pages. When using the test file for the scanning productivity test, the testtargets shall be created by printing the most recent electronic test file on the device to be tested if it hasprint capability. If the test device to be tested does not have a printer function or if the device is a colourcapable scanner but does not have a printing function of colour test targets (for the colour scanningtest), then record the name of printer which is used to print out the actual test targets.The most recentofficial electronic file (ISo_IEC_24735_2009_Test_Pages.pdf) can be located at http:;// Test Pages/ .
As for preparation method for double-sided targets, refer to Annex C.
The quality of test targets may affect the productivity measurement. Test targets should be createdaccording to the following:
a) The test targets shall be printed by the equipment to be tested itself in its default-printing mode.
(lf the test device to be tested does not have a printer function or if the device is a colour capablescanner but does not have a printing function of colour test targets (for the colour scanning test),then record the name of printer which is used to print out the actual test targets.)
b)The paper used for creating the test targets shall have a brightness of at least 80 % to eliminate the influence of background.
c)The paper used for creating the test targets shall be 64 g/m2 or above and sufficiently opaque to prevent scanning of images on the backside.
d) The paper used for creating the test targets shall be free of wrinkles or other surface defects.
e) Confirm that the there are no defects such as unexpected dots or contaminations.
f)Page scaling shall not be used in performance test.Typically, this is done by setting page scaling to “none”. Options such as “Fit to printable area” shall not be used in performance testing, either.
g)Paper shall conform to the scanning device manufacturer’s paper specifications.
The brightness shall be measured according to lSO 2470-1:2009.The paper weight shall be measuredaccording to ISo 536:1995.
5Test Method
5.1Test Setup
The objectives of this test are summarized as follows:
The intent of “ADF Productivity Measurement” test is to demonstrate the productivity of the ADF that may be achieved with the specific settings. ADF speed is a component of scanning productivity.
The intent of “Scan to Network Folder Productivity Measurement” test is to demonstrate the overall productivity of the device in scanning documents. This test is a representative of a variety of scanning tasks (e.g. scan to file server, scan to fax server, scan to email, scan to workflow, etc.).
Before test, the machine under test shall be preconditioned as follows:
a) Install the scanning device following the manufacturer’s recommendations.
b) Clean the surface of the image scanning device if needed.BS ISO-IEC 17991 pdf download.

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