BS ISO 50009-2021 pdf free download – Energy management systems — Guidance for implementing a common energy management system in multiple organizations

02-09-2022 comment

BS ISO 50009-2021 pdf free download – Energy management systems — Guidance for implementing a common energy management system in multiple organizations.
5.1 Leadership and commitment
5.1.1 Top management of each constituent organization
Top management of each constituent organization should demonstrate leadership and commitment tocontinually improving energy performance and the effectiveness of the common EnMS.The constituentorganizations may enter into a collaboration agreement setting out their roles and responsibilities inrespect of the EnMG, which should include agreeing to:
a) the need to plan for the process of implementing the common EnMS;
b)the establishment of the EnMC with terms of reference setting out its roles and responsibilities;
NOTE The function of the EnMC can sometimes be carried out by a pre-existing committeewithin the EnMG.
c)the rules of the governance of the committee, e.g.decisions on investment;d) the rules to enter or to leave the committee;
e)the allocation of adequate resources from constituent organizations;f)a process for sharing information, data and common resources.
The members of the EnMC may consist of top management from the constituent organizations orother appropriately qualified representatives.For EnMGs with a large number of small constituentorganizations,the small organizations can be represented as a class by one or more designatedcommittee members.
EXAMPLE ln a retail mall with over 100 constituent organizations implementing a common EnMS,thecommittee elects eight representatives,chosen to reflect the range of interested parties. These include topmanagement of smaler independent stores, the branch manager of a large supermarket in the mall, and a directorof the property company (landlord) that owns the mall.
5.1.2 Energy management committee
The role of the EnMC should be established through negotiation and agreement by the constituentorganizations.See Annex A.
Information required by the EnMC about each constituent organization (e.g. energy consumption,relevant variables) may need to be kept confidential. The relevant information should be identified,and the EnMG and its constituent organizations should agree in advance on how to handle confidentialinformation and what may be disclosed.
In the case of very small constituent organizations, the EnMS and representation on the committee maybe indirect.Examples of this case are:
customers of a utility, which could include individual households, where the representation can be aconsumer-based non-governmental organization or a governmentagency with consumer protectionresponsibilities;
a small supplier in a supply chain EnMG, who could be represented in the committee by a tradeassociation.
When the EnMC reviews the context of the EnMG, it should consider the following points among others:
information resources,human resources and expertise, guidelines,success cases and lessonslearned, etc.related to energy performance improvement, which can be shared by the constituentorganizations;
— the common concept for organizing energy management in the EnMG;
the importance of demonstrating energy performance improvement by the EnMGand its constituentorganizations;
how the common objective of the group enhances the strategic direction of the participatingorganizations;
the extent to which one constituent organization’s energy performance improvement could affectthe energy performance of another constituent organization or of the group.
The EnMC may set up sub-committees as required and may delegate some of its responsibilities tothem.Sub-committees may also be established to address issues that apply to some, but not all, of theconstituent organizations.
EXAMPLE An EnMG is set up for tenants of a large shopping mall. Separate energy management sub-committees are established for: 1)general retailers,and 2) restaurants within the mall.
The EnMC’s activities should include:
a) establishing the objectives and energy targets relevant to the EnMG;
b) setting investment recommendations or operational guidance for the energy performance improvement of energy supply facilities and energy consuming equipment that are used by morethan one constituent organization;
cdetermining common information and resources required;
d) determining the structure and the members of staff who set up the objectives and energy targets under the EnMC;BS ISO 50009 pdf download.

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