ANSI ASC O5.1-2017 pdf free download – Wood Poles: Specifications and Dimensions

02-19-2022 comment

ANSI ASC O5.1-2017 pdf free download – Wood Poles: Specifications and Dimensions.
This standard provides minimum specifications for the quality and dimensions of wood poles that are to be used as single-pole utility structures. The poles described herein are considered as simple cantilever members subject to transverse loads only. Fiber strength values, provided as a basis for determining pole class sizes, apply only to poles that meet or exceed the minimum quality specifications. Requirements for the preservative treatment of poles are outside the scope of this standard. However, where such treatment or conditioning may affect strength, limitations are provided in section 5.1.2. [Also see standards such as those published by American Wood Protection Association (AWPA) and ASTM International (ASTM)].
1.2 General requirements
The species, the length, and class of poles; the type of treatment (including seasoning details, if seasoning is desired); aids to penetration such as incising, groundline boring, or kerfing; and complete details for roofing, gaining, boring, and branding not included in this standard shall be given in purchase orders. Complete detailed instructions shall be given to the supplier whenever the requirements of this standard are modified to meet special conditions.
2 Normative references The standards listed below contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this American National Standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid.All standards are subject to revision; therefore users of this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards.
ASC C2-2007, National electrical safety code. 1
AWPA Standard M6-07, Brands used on forest products. 2
ASTM D9-05, Standard terminology relating to wood. 3
Wood Preservation Statistics, Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1973. 4
3 Definitions
The following definitions shall apply to the terms used in this standard. Photographs depicting many of these terms may be found in Technical Report O5-TR-01, the Photographic Manual of Wood Pole Characteristics, which is based on this Standard.
3.1 air dried: Dried by exposure to air in a yard or shed, without artificial heat.
3.2 air seasoning: Drying by the use of ambient air either in the open or under cover.
3.3 Boulton drying: Drying by heating in nonaqueous solution under vacuum.
3.4 check: The lengthwise separation of the wood that usually extends across the rings of annual growth and commonly results from stresses set up in wood during seasoning.
3.5 compression wood: Abnormal wood formed on the lower side of branches and inclined trunks of softwood trees. Compression wood is identified by its relatively wide annual rings, usually eccentric; relatively large amount of summerwood/latewood, sometimes more than 50% of the width of the annual rings in which it occurs; and its lack of demarcation between springwood and summerwood/latewood in the same annual rings. Compression wood, compared with normal wood, shrinks excessively lengthwise.
3.6 cone hole: A hole formed by the stalk of a pine cone during the radial growth of the main stem of several species of pine, principally Radiata. In Radiata pine, cone holes are typically less than 1/2 inch (13mm) in diameter, exist in the crown of the tree, and extend from the surface of the pole to the pith.
3.7 cross break: A separation of the wood cells across the grain. Such breaks may be due to internal strains resulting from unequal longitudinal shrinkage or to external forces.ANSI ASC O5.1 pdf download.

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