BS ISO 37106-2021 pdf free download – Sustainable cities and communities — Guidance on establishing smart city operating models for sustainable communities.
[A] Delivery principles
a) Collaborate with interested parties to develop and agree a set of delivery principles that include, as
a minimum, the need to:
1) establish a clear, compelling and inclusive vision for the sustainable future of the city;
2) take a citizen-centric approach to all aspects of service design and delivery;
3)enable a ubiquitous, integrated and inclusive digitization of city spaces and systems;
4) embed openness and sharing in the way the city works.
b) Use the delivery principles given in Annex B as a key input and starting point for that process.[B] Key cross-city delivery processes
[B1]City vision
Create a vision of “what good looks like” for the city, today and in the future, that:
a) is aligned with the purposes for sustainable communities set out in ISO 37101,reflectinglocal priorities;
b) is developed in an iterative and collaborative manner (that is,inclusive of all interested parties
and informed by user research and engagement, with social media and other technologies used toenable public participation in the process);
cembraces the opportunities opened up by smart technologies,smart data and smart collaboration;
d) does so in a way that integrates these with the core socio-economic, political and environmental
vision and purpose for the city’s future, rather than seeing them as somehow separate from thecity’s core strategic objectives;
e) uses digital modelling, data visualization and/or other technologies to “bring to life” what it will be
like to live and work in the city’s vision for the future;
f)is measurable.
[B2] Leadership and governance
Establish leadership and governance arrangements that ensure:a) a clear focus of accountability within the local authority;b)a broad-based leadership team across the city;
ccity leaders are brought together on a cross-sectoral basis into effective governance arrangements,
at both the strategic and delivery levels;
d) deployment of formal programme management disciplines;e) the right skills mix in the leadership team;
f) the possibility of evolution over time among stakeholder organizations;
g) an open and transparent governance process,including through digitally-enabled public
[B3] Collaborative engagement
Establish, and give high priority and adequate resources to, a formal managed engagement programmewith all interested parties. This should be led by a senior executive and integrated into the roles of allthose involved in delivering the smart city programme, and should cover:
a) awareness and participation of interested parties;
b) cross-sectoral partnership;
c)engagement with other cities to learn lessons and exchange experience.[B4] Procurement and supplier management
a)Take an integrated view of the city’s procurement requirements.
b) Review procurement policies to ensure they align with smart city contracting principles (i.e. focus
on outcomes, open data, incentives for innovation and collaboration, avoidance of lock-in).
c)Work to nurture an innovation ecosystem across the city and its suppliers.
[B5] Mapping the city’s interoperability needs
Use the smart city interoperability matrix as a tool to:a) help identify key barriers to interoperability in the city;
b)establish policies and actions to address these, drawing on international,European and national standards where possible;
c)promote commonality of approaches and easier linkages with other cities and other local and national authorities.
[B6] Establishing a common terminology and reference model
a) Ensure that all interested parties have a clear, consistent and common understanding of the key concepts involved in smart city development; how these concepts relate to each other; how theycan be formally modelled; and how such models can be leveraged and integrated into new andexisting information architectures.
b) Seek agreement among interested parties to establish and maintain an agreed and shared common terminology and reference model.
[B7] Smart city roadmap
a)Establish a phased smart city roadmap.
b) Work with interested parties to identify a set of services and initial smart city deliverables that represent quick wins for the city.
c)Give priority to changes that can be delivered quickly, at low cost and low risk.
d) Establish systems to learn from early customer experience, to improve services in the light of this and then to drive higher levels of take-up.BS ISO 37106 pdf download.
BS ISO 37106-2021 pdf free download – Sustainable cities and communities — Guidance on establishing smart city operating models for sustainable communities
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