IEEE Std 802.15.4s-2018 pdf free download – IEEE Standard for Low-Rate Wireless Networks Amendment 6: Enabling Spectrum Resource Measurement Capability.
RSNI shall be defined a 10IogJ0CRCOP-w-ANP.wnVAPIpwc) where RCPI indicate power domain values for RCPI and ANPI and not dB domain values. RSNI is rounded to the nearest 0.5 dB and defined over the range fom -10 dB to +117 dB. RSNI shall be an 8-bit integer, having the value RSNI= 2X(RSNIap+10).
The value 255 indicates that RSNI is not awailable. NOTE- RCPI ANPI, IPI and RSNI are spcifed in IEEE SId 802.11-2016 ANPI and IPI are not a PIB strbute and used only for calculating RSNL The IP1 value should be updated to calculate RSNI 28 accurately越possble. If the device openates in OCA Mode 4 or OCA capability is not used, the prceadure retums with a Status of NON SUPPORTED. Received signal strength indicator (RSSI) Received Sigmal Strength Indicator is intended for use by the next higher layer or a common network manager existing in multiple wireless network environment, in onder to asscss the utilization of spectrum resource together with RCPI and RSNI RSSI is a measure of the RF power reeived s described below. The RF power level at the input of the tansceiver measured during the PHR and is valid after the SFD is detected. The minimum and maximum valucs are 0x00 and 0xff as shown in Table 8-77 and the values in between should be unifomnly distributed. Noise Histogram Noise Histogram is intended for use by the next higher layer or a common network manager exising in multiple wireless network environment, in order to optimize the uilization of specrum resource. The Noise Histogram shall be a histogram of nom-IEEE 802.15 noise powert in the specifled channel defined as a functon of time over the measurement duration when CCA indicates idle and the device is neither transmitting nor receiving a frame. The Noise Histogram Repot shall contain the IP densities, defined in, observed in the channel for the IPI levels defined in Table 6-5. If the device operates in CCA Mode 4 or CCA capability is not used, the procedure shall retum with an Status of NON_ SUPPORTED. Average access delay Average Access Delay is intended for use by the next higher layer or a common network manager existing in muliple w ieless network environmenat, to aid in the asses sment of channel congestion with coexisting LR- WPANs, WLANs, or other networks as part of a channel selection algorithm.
The avenage mediumn access delay for transmitted frames is measured from the time the first bit of the MPDU is ready for transmission until the actual frame transmission start time in μs. In the case of TSCH, macTsTxOffset an be used calculate Access Delay time. The average acess delay is not calculated if there is no frame transmitted in the measurement time (eg. duc to the channel busy). MAC performance metrics specific MAC PIB attributes
If macSrmEnabled is TRUE, the atibutes of MAC PIB defined in shall follow the following rules.
The MAC PIB atributes defined in are also used for SRM.IEEE Std 802.15.4s pdf download.
IEEE Std 802.15.4s-2018 pdf free download – IEEE Standard for Low-Rate Wireless Networks Amendment 6: Enabling Spectrum Resource Measurement Capability
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