IEEE 802.1Qcy-2019 pdf free download – IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks- Bridges and Bridged Networks Amendment 32: Virtual Station Interface (VSI) Discovery and Configuration Protocol (VDP) Extension to Support Network Virtualization Overlays Over Layer 3 (NVO3).
41. VSI Discovery and Configuration Protocol (VDP)
aungr ii tUCIOtr fri oj (‘Iaaae Si us
Vflpassociares (registers) a VSI intanee with aa Station-facing Bfldgc Pon tSBPlofan EVB Bridge. VDP simphlies and annotates virtual station configuration by enabling the movement of a VSI instance (and its nrlatcd VSI Type intomiatiun) lions osie sittual station to anuLlter 4% (roan tate LVII Bridge to another. \Lfl’ suppons VSI discovery and configursmon teresa a channel interconnecting an EVB station and an E%’B Bndgc VOP TLVa axe exchanged between the station and the Bridge in suplaid of Usia protocol.
This suhelause defines the Vl)l’TLV structure and slate machines.
When VLW is used between EVIl Station ansi lVll Itrsdirc. VIW uses ECP (Clause 43( as a transport protocol for VDP TIN exchanges. When ECP is used as a ranagon protocol for VDP. ECP uses the Nearest Cuomer Bridge iuoun MAC address TaMe St-fl as the destination address for ECPPUs. Three VDP rEVs are defined as follows:
a) The VSl manager Ii) TLV (41,1). There is a single instance of this TI.V in sty ECPDIJ that canes VDP. and it appears as the tint TIN in the ECPDU.
h) The VPP association TLV 141.2). One or more of these rEVs can appear in any ECPDU. following the VSI manager II) rEV.
ci The organizationally defined rEV (41.3)
4Mw,, R’P is inset) awn tmnsport pcotoeol-r-VTW, lit? stars-she Nenrest Cinslisner Rndge group MAC aldn.i.. (laW tIl) a. tie ikasinatisin adtkc.. lii ECPDL.’a.
NLYI’E I—If there are niultiple VSI managers. ttrn their flY; are saminiund in icpware ECI’DtIa.
NOTE 2- tlqond the reqIreinent stated, that the VSt manager It) rEV appeais as the lint TLV in ECPOIJa carry.ig ID?. there are no tiirttar cixisbasnb plant upon bow an inipksncnsattc’n chonwcs to puck ‘Dr rEVs into an IEUPDU.
NOTE.)— VIW TINs arc nut LED? TLVn, nat the TIN type saturs used in VIA’ TLVn air assigned (rum a distinct nanber spacc (rant those used in LIlA’ TLVs.
When VPP is used between INVE and nNVE in NVO3 Split-NVE scenario. VDP mas use ECP tClause 431
as a tnnsajurt tnsitocul ha VIM’ IL% exchanges. When EU!’ is used as a traaspott protocol [or VIM’ in
NVO3. ECP uses a spectflc uaicast MAC address or sIte Nearest Customer Bridge group MAC address
(Table X’l)as the destination address (or Et l’DUa. The VOP TLVs used between sIN VI and nNVL are as
dJ [Ic VDl’ .isssts.iauonllV (4.L2j,.Ontpr mire of these JL\s cart appeat itt an ECI’Dt’jjr otlser tran’pon protocol.
cf lIe otganceatnoua1dcttned TI_V [41.3).
41.2 VDP association TLV definitions
412.3 Status
Change 41.2.3 us follows:
The Staia field contains a 4-bit error type, encoded in bits 1-4. aid four individual Boolean flags. encoded in bits 3—8.
Foe all requests, rise error type field is reserved foe (attic staidardi.ratton; it is transmitted as Oat) and is ignored on rec’etpt.IEEE 802.1Qcy pdf download.
IEEE 802.1Qcy-2019 pdf free download – IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks- Bridges and Bridged Networks Amendment 32: Virtual Station Interface (VSI) Discovery and Configuration Protocol (VDP) Extension to Support Network Virtualization Overlays Over Layer 3 (NVO3)
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