IEEE 45.3-2015 pdf free download – IEEE Recommended Practice for Shipboard Electrical Installations— Systems Engineering.
3. Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations
3.1 Definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. The IEEE StandarcL’ Dkiionarv Online should be consulted for tenns not defined in this clause. ‘
baseline: A technical data package defining a configuration item during the design. production, operation. maintenance, and logistic support of its life cycle.
blackout: Aboard ship. a power outage (also power cut or power Iti!ure) of electrical power to an entire ship. A blackout may be characterized as either a dark ship or a dead ship. Dark ship is when there is no power generation online, but energy storage is available for control system and startup. Dead chip is when there is no generation online and all the energy storage is depleted.
dependability: A measure of a syslem’s availability, reliability, and maintenance support. This may also
encompass mechanisms designed to increase and maintain the dependability of a system. (lF.C 60050-191
electrical interface: An interface with the primary purpose of transferring electrical power to or from the interface. An electrical interface is described by voltage, number of phases, frequency, connected power. grounding method, quality of service (QoS) requirement. and power quality standard.
electrical power system concept of operations (EPS-CONOPS): A document describing the expected manner in which the power system will be configured and operated for normal and emergency operating conditions.
electrical power systems integration: The process of ensuring that all electrical components operate or perform as a system. Through each phase of the design process, the iterative application of systems engineering achieves an improvement of performance greater than the sum of the components.
Functional inirr(acr: An interface that desenbes 11w expected bchasior of the component in response to stimulus experienced at the other interfaces. A functional interface is generally specified in the form of a performance specification or dynamic model.
galsanic isolation; (A) A method of electric-al isolation where neither the signal nor the common of the output of the isolator is dc coupled to the signal or cosnnsm of the input of the isolator, except for low ‘level leakage associated with non-ideal components. (B) A principle of isolating fttnctioisal sections of electrical power systems, thus presenting the mninentent of clssrge’carrying particles from one section to another, i.e., no direct current flows between the sections. Energy or information can still be exchanged between the sections by other nseans, e.g., by capacitance, induction, or electromagnetic waves or by optscal. acoustic, or mechanical means.
Galvanic isolation is used in situations where two or more electric circuits must communicate, but their grounds may be at different potentials. It is an effective method of breakii ground loops by preventing tons anted current (nan flowing between two units sharing a ground conductor. Galvanic isolation can also he used for safes
generator start time (12): The nsaximum time to bring the slowest power generation module online.
Information senrlt : The process of protecting information and infonnatson systems from unauthorized access, use. disclosure, disruption, modification, perusal. inspection, recording, or destruction,
lntrgratrd rlectric ship or platform: A ship or platform characterized by the transfer of the preponderance of energy by electrical power, under the control of a supen’tsory controller connected to one or more other ship or platform system supervisory controllers and where the electrical pow-er system is designed to allow (or shsnng sources of power atmntg the lends.
mastrr equipment list: A list of shipboard equipment to the level detailed in the ship’s weight report.
nsecbanlcsl lnlrrfacr: An interface that describes the physical interaction of a component with cxtcmal components or structure. Mechanical interfaces include dimensions. weight. foundation interfaces, and positson of physical connecisons to other systetns.
nso.itori.g and control intrrfaer: An interface with the prinsary purpose of communicating infortnation or commands to or from the interface. A monitoring and control interface is usually described in the form of a layered model such as tlse OSI l3asic Reference Model described in lSO.IEC 7498-I [13371.
npen archiseeture; The confluence etC business and technical practices yielding modular, intertiperahic systems that adhere to open standards with published interfaces. Open architecture can deliver increased capahilitses in a shorter time at reduced cost. Key open architecture pnnciples include the following:
Modular design and design disclosure
— Reusable application software
— Life-cycle affordability
— Defined interfaces
– Process (or creating a system design while maximizing re•use of existing nssdules and sotiware
privacy: The ability of an individual or group to seclude themselves or information about themselves and thereby reveal themselves selectively.
product basrllnr: A technical data package describing the complete design tn sufficient detail to enable creating work instructions, ordenng mnasersal and equipmitent, and scheduling work.
rrcoaflguratlon time (tI): The maximum time to reconfigure the distribution system without bringing on additional generation capacity.IEEE 45.3 pdf download.
IEEE 45.3-2015 pdf free download – IEEE Recommended Practice for Shipboard Electrical Installations— Systems Engineering
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