IEEE 802.1 Qbv-2015 pdf free download – IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks – Bridges and Bridged Networks Amendment 25: Enhancements for Scheduled Traffic
5. Conformance
5.4 VLAN Bridge component requirements
5.4.1 VLAN Bridge component options
Insert the following items at the end of the lttered list, renumbering as necessary:
ac) Support the enhancements for scheduled taf as specified in;
ad) Support the management entities for scheduled traffic as specified in 12.29.
5.13 MAC Bridge component requirements
5.13.1 MAC Bridge component options
Insert the fllowing items at the end of the lttered list, renumbering as necessary:
I) Support the enhancements for scheduled tafflc as specified in;
m) Support the state machines for scheduled traffie as specifed in 8.6.9.
5.24 EVB station requirements
Insert the fllowing new subclause after, at the end of Clause 5:
5.25 End station requirements- enhancements for scheduled traffic
An end station implementation that conforms to the provisions of this standard for enbancements for
scheduled taffic shall:
a) Support the enhancements for scheduled taffic as specified in
b) Support the state machines for scheduled taffic as specified in 8.6.9.
6. Support of the MAC Service
6.5 Quality of service (QoS) maintenance
6.5.2 Frame loss
Insert a new list item b8) at the end of the numbered list:
8) The Bridge supports enhancements for scheduled traffic ( and the_ size of the service data unit excceds the value of queucMaxSDU ( for the trfic class qucue on which the frame is to be queued.
8. Principles of bridge operation
8.6 The Forwarding Process
8.6.6 Queuing frames
Delete the fourth paragraph of 8.6.6 as shown:
NOTE 2- Different numbers of traff elasses may be implemented for different Ports. can use different numbers of raffe classes. Ports with media acess methods that support a single transmission priority, such as Ethernet, can support more than one taffic class.
8.6.8 Transmission selection
Change the first paragraph of 8.6.8 as shown: For each Port, frames are selected for transmission on the basis of the trffic classes that the Port supports and the operation of the transmission selection algorithms supported by the corresponding queues on that Port. For a given Port and supported value of trffie class, frames are selected from the corresponding queue for transmission if and only if Insert a new paragraph at the end of 8.6.8 as shown: When the enhancements for scheduled taffc are supported, additional requirements to determine whether a . frame is available for transmission apply, as specified in Credit-based shaper algorithm Change the text of list item d), and add a NOTE, as shown:
d) idleSlope. The rate of change of credit, in bits per second, when the value of credit is increasing (i.e.,. while transmit is FAL SE and the transmission gate for the queue is open [ The value of idleSlope can never exceed porTransmiRate. If the enhancements for scheduled traffie ( are not supported. or if GatcEnabled is FALSE ( The the value of idleSlope for a given queue is dletermined by equal to the value of the operldleSlope(N) parameter for that queue, as defined in 34.3. If the enhancements for scheduled traffic ( are supported. and GateEnabled is TRUE ( then: idleSlope = (operldleSlope(N) x OperCycleTime I GateOpenTime) where OperCycleTime is as defined in and GateOpenTime is equal 1o the total amount of time during the gating cycle that the gate state for the queue is Open, NOTE- When scheduled taffe operation is enabled, credit is accumulated only while the gate is open; therefore. she ffctive data rate of the idleSlope is jincreased to reflect the duty cycle for the transmission gate associated with the qucuc; however the value of operldleSlope(N) for the queue remains unchanged.IEEE 802.1 Qbv pdf download.
IEEE 802.1 Qbv-2015 pdf free download – IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks – Bridges and Bridged Networks Amendment 25: Enhancements for Scheduled Traffic
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