IEC 60384-25-2021 pdf free download – Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment – Part 25: Sectional specification – Fixed aluminium electrolytic surface mount capacitors with conductive polymer solid electrolyte.
5.5.2visual examination and check of dimensions
Visual examination shall be carried out with suitable equipment with approximately 10xmagnification and lighting appropriate to the specimen under test and the quality levelrequired.The operator should have available facilities for incident or transmitted illumination,as well as an appropriate measuring facility. The capacitors shall be examined to verify thatthe materials, design, construction, and physical dimensions are appropriate.
The workmanship shall be in accordance with the applicable requirements given in the detailspecification.
5.6Electrical tests
5.6.1 Leakage current
See lEC60384-1:2016,4.9. with to of this document.
lf the leakage current of the capacitor increases,the following processing can be performedas pre-conditioning.
The capacitor should be serially attached to a protective resistor ranging from 10 Q to 1 000 Qand DC voltage equivalent to the rated voltage should be applied for 2 h at 105 “C ± 2’℃.Applied voltage to the capacitors shall be maintained within ±3 % of the rated voltage.
Next, after letting the capacitor cool to room temperature, it should be discharged through aresistor of approximately 1 Q/v and then stored at standard atmospheric conditions for 12 h to24 h. conditions
The rated voltage shall be applied across the capacitor and its protective resistor placed inseries with the capacitor to limit the charging current.
The protective resistor shall have a value of 1 000 Q.
The measurement of each test should be carried out after pre-conditioning.
See Table 3.
See lEC 60384-1:2016,4.7 , with and of this document. Measuring conditions
Unless otherwise specified in the detail specifications, the capacitance shall be measured at afrequency of 120 Hz.
The peak alternating voltage actually applied across the capacitor terminations shall notexceed 0.5 V(RMSy.
A DC bias voltage of 0,7 V to 1,0 Vv may be applied during the measurement to avoid negativevoltage application to the capacitor by the applied AC voltage.
The inaccuracy of the measuring instruments shall not exceed ±2 % of the limit specified inthe detail specification,whether this is given as an absolute value or as a change ofcapacitance. Table 3.
5.6.3 Tangent of loss angle (tan 8)
See lEC60384-1:2016,4.8.1, with and of this document. Measuring conditions
The measurement shall be made under the conditions as specified in 5.6.2.
The inaccuracy of the measuring equipment shall not exceed 0,01 absolute value.
See Table 3.
5.6.4Equivalent series resistance(ESR)(if required)
See lEC 60384-1:2016,4.8.2, with and of this document. conditions
Unless otherwise specified in the detail specifications, test conditions are as follows:-temperature:
20 C± 2 “C;
-applied voltage:peak AC value ≤ 0.5 V(RMS);
-voltage frequency-100 kHz±10 kHz;
The error of measurement shall not exceed 5 % of the requirement, or 0,02 Q, whichever isgreater. Table 3.
5.6.5lmpedance (if required)
See lEC 60384-1;2016,4.10,with and of this document. Measuring conditions
The frequency of measurement: 120 Hz, with a tolerance of ±10 %.
Measurement voltage should be set sufficiently low,and the change of impedance valueshould be in the range of measurement error when the voltage is applied to capacitors for1 min.
The error of measurement shall not exceed 5 % of the requirement,or 0,02 Q, whichever isgreater. Table 3.
5.7Resistance to soldering heat5.7.1General
See IEC 60384-1:2016,4.14,with 5.7.2 to 5.7.5 of this document,unless otherwise specifiedin the detail specification.
5.7.2Initial inspectionsSee Table 3.
5.7.3Test conditions
The test method shall be the reflow method, and the reflow temperature profile shall bespecified in the detail specification.
5.7.4 Recovery
The recovery period shall be 24 h ± 2 h.
5.7.5 Final inspections and requirements
After recovery, the surface mount capacitors shall be visually examined under normal lightingand approximately 10x magnification and the measured electrical characteristics given inTable 3.IEC 60384-25 pdf download.
IEC 60384-25-2021 pdf free download – Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment – Part 25: Sectional specification – Fixed aluminium electrolytic surface mount capacitors with conductive polymer solid electrolyte
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